Wednesday Warmup Exercise

Align E. coli reads (PacBio) to E. coli Reference

Let’s align some PacBio reads from the E. coli K12, MG1655 strain to an E. coli K12, MG1655 reference genome. If you google for “Koren MG1655 wgs-assembler” you should find this page, where three xzipped fastq files can be downloaded. Grab just one, and uncompress it. Then, grab the appropriate reference genome (as we did yesterday). Finally, take only the first ~4000 reads from the read set, and align them to the reference, to produce a SAM file, as we did yesterday. Does everything look as expected?


From the provided link, download the first fastq.xz file … the direct links aren’t very direct, but the first of the three provided curl commands works nicely:

curl -L -o escherichia_coli_k12_mg1655.m130404_014004_sidney_c100506902550000001823076808221337_s1_p0.1.fastq.xz

Then, a little googling around will tell you the command to uncompress a .xz file:

unxz escherichia_coli_k12_mg1655.m130404_014004_sidney_c100506902550000001823076808221337_s1_p0.1.fastq.xz

Some more googling should get you to the Illumina iGenomes site:

And we’ll download the only MG1655 archive:


And un-archive it using the ‘tar’ command:

tar -xzvf Escherichia_coli_K_12_MG1655_NCBI_2001-10-15.tar.gz

Now we want to align the first 4,000 reads to the genome. Since each sequence takes up four lines, we want the first 16k lines:

head -n 16000 escherichia_coli_k12_mg1655.m130404_014004_sidney_c100506902550000001823076808221337_s1_p0.1.fastq > ecoli.4k.fastq

Then, we could use the pre-indexed files included in the archive, but for simplicity’s sake, let’s do it ourselves. We’ll link in the genome, load the BWA module, then index:

ln -s Escherichia_coli_K_12_MG1655/NCBI/2001-10-15/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/genome.fa .
module load bwa/0.7.16a
bwa index genome.fa

Finally, we’ll align using BWA’s MEM algorithm:

bwa mem genome.fa ecoli.4k.fastq > ecoli.PB.MEM.sam

For those who are interested, here’s how you’d create a BAM file that could be viewed in IGV:

module load samtools/1.8
samtools view -uhS ecoli.PB.MEM.sam | samtools sort -o ecoli.PB.MEM.bam -
samtools index ecoli.PB.MEM.bam
samtools flagstat ecoli.PB.MEM.bam  # for some summary stats

Note that the trailing ‘-‘ in the second line of the preceding code block is a substitute for a file name, when the command is receiving data from standard in (STDIN), but the command format requires a file name.