Number of Reads | 62,298,572 |
Valid Barcodes | 98.4% |
Sequencing Saturation | 52.9% |
Q30 Bases in Barcode | 98.1% |
Q30 Bases in RNA Read | 70.4% |
Q30 Bases in Sample Index | 94.3% |
Q30 Bases in UMI | 98.1% |
Reads Mapped to Genome | 91.1% |
Reads Mapped Confidently to Genome | 86.4% |
Reads Mapped Confidently to Intergenic Regions | 4.4% |
Reads Mapped Confidently to Intronic Regions | 12.5% |
Reads Mapped Confidently to Exonic Regions | 69.5% |
Reads Mapped Confidently to Transcriptome | 66.0% |
Reads Mapped Antisense to Gene | 2.2% |
Estimated Number of Cells | 4,915 |
Fraction Reads in Cells | 78.4% |
Mean Reads per Cell | 12,675 |
Median Genes per Cell | 1,407 |
Total Genes Detected | 17,574 |
Median UMI Counts per Cell | 2,476 |
Name | 654 |
Description | |
Transcriptome | mm10 |
Chemistry | Single Cell 3' v2 |
Cell Ranger Version | 3.0.2 |
Cluster {{ $index/2 }} | ||||
{{ col.label }} |
{{ cell }} | {{ cell.f }} |