Input data and parameters 

QualiMap command line

qualimap bamqc -bam /share/biocore/projects/Internal_Jessie_UCD/Workshops/Epigenetics/03-Bismark/SRR9833662.1.inputSRR9833662.1_R1_001_bismark_bt2_pe.dedup.sorted.bam -c -nw 400 -hm 3


Command line: "bismark --bowtie2 -p 4 --output_dir ./ --rg_tag --rg_id SRR9833662.1 --rg_sample SRR9833662.1 --prefix SRR9833662.1 --unmapped --temp_dir /share/biocore/projects/Internal_Jessie_UCD/Workshops/Epigenetics/scripts/tmp --phred33-quals --fastq --genome_folder /share/biocore/projects/Internal_Jessie_UCD/Workshops/Epigenetics/References -1 inputSRR9833662.1_R1_001.fq -2 inputSRR9833662.1_R2_001.fq"
Draw chromosome limits: yes
Analyze overlapping paired-end reads: no
Program: Bismark (v0.22.3)
Analysis date: Wed Nov 18 19:42:58 PST 2020
Size of a homopolymer: 3
Skip duplicate alignments: no
Number of windows: 400
BAM file: /share/biocore/projects/Internal_Jessie_UCD/Workshops/Epigenetics/03-Bismark/SRR9833662.1.inputSRR9833662.1_R1_001_bismark_bt2_pe.dedup.sorted.bam



Reference size 2,730,871,774
Number of reads 262,985,030
Mapped reads 262,985,030 / 100%
Unmapped reads 0 / 0%
Mapped paired reads 262,985,030 / 100%
Mapped reads, first in pair 131,492,515 / 50%
Mapped reads, second in pair 131,492,515 / 50%
Mapped reads, both in pair 262,985,030 / 100%
Mapped reads, singletons 0 / 0%
Read min/max/mean length 20 / 106 / 93.98
Duplicated reads (estimated) 18,882,540 / 7.18%
Duplication rate 6.54%
Clipped reads 0 / 0%

ACGT Content

Number/percentage of A's 9,620,000,070 / 38.93%
Number/percentage of C's 2,725,457,969 / 11.03%
Number/percentage of T's 9,639,039,348 / 39%
Number/percentage of G's 2,728,988,502 / 11.04%
Number/percentage of N's 381,539 / 0%
GC Percentage 22.07%


Mean 9.0506
Standard Deviation 39.8298

Mapping Quality

Mean Mapping Quality 36.87

Insert size

Mean 175.04
Standard Deviation 70.52
P25/Median/P75 123 / 159 / 210

Mismatches and indels

General error rate 19.43%
Mismatches 4,801,142,664
Insertions 481,089
Mapped reads with at least one insertion 0.18%
Deletions 1,906,664
Mapped reads with at least one deletion 0.72%
Homopolymer indels 85.06%

Chromosome stats

Name Length Mapped bases Mean coverage Standard deviation
chr1 195471971 1927494842 9.8607 5.6318
chr2 182113224 1830148939 10.0495 130.7337
chr3 160039680 1567709738 9.7958 5.4883
chr4 156508116 1488731142 9.5122 5.7743
chr5 151834684 1447881326 9.5359 5.4399
chr6 149736546 1463422412 9.7733 27.6104
chr7 145441459 1330805246 9.1501 5.5839
chr8 129401213 1250871500 9.6666 5.4525
chr9 124595110 1277290001 10.2515 77.3706
chr10 130694993 1265738283 9.6847 5.5618
chr11 122082543 1189070303 9.7399 7.3297
chr12 120129022 1151467352 9.5853 35.9109
chr13 120421639 1164219704 9.6679 5.7376
chr14 124902244 1169945878 9.3669 25.8351
chr15 104043685 1007777900 9.6861 8.3601
chr16 98207768 955911726 9.7336 5.5639
chr17 94987271 909740404 9.5775 8.4285
chr18 90702639 880859058 9.7115 5.4332
chr19 61431566 580703049 9.4528 5.4485
chrX 171031299 735746447 4.3018 3.7049
chrY 91744698 60235048 0.6566 1.8929
chrM 16299 1467424 90.0315 57.8631
GL456210.1 169725 1341360 7.9031 8.5823
GL456211.1 241735 2079438 8.6021 12.0924
GL456212.1 153618 1546228 10.0654 14.0804
GL456213.1 39340 0 0 0
GL456216.1 66673 489763 7.3457 5.38
GL456219.1 175968 2726 0.0155 0.2415
GL456221.1 206961 1426030 6.8903 10.9936
GL456233.1 336933 1496247 4.4408 3.2745
GL456239.1 40056 1554964 38.8198 19.8851
GL456350.1 227966 10081 0.0442 1.5052
GL456354.1 195993 157403 0.8031 2.0796
GL456359.1 22974 266370 11.5944 5.9526
GL456360.1 31704 292918 9.2391 5.4474
GL456366.1 47073 379509 8.0621 5.7389
GL456367.1 42057 172081 4.0916 3.2142
GL456368.1 20208 210285 10.406 9.655
GL456370.1 26764 187178 6.9936 7.3393
GL456372.1 28664 228251 7.963 8.9066
GL456378.1 31602 443941 14.0479 15.6974
GL456379.1 72385 317957 4.3926 3.3014
GL456381.1 25871 124747 4.8219 4.035
GL456382.1 23158 83452 3.6036 3.2875
GL456383.1 38659 317821 8.2211 7.6057
GL456385.1 35240 302675 8.589 5.0289
GL456387.1 24685 363065 14.7079 11.5201
GL456389.1 28772 231148 8.0338 51.2153
GL456390.1 24668 67746 2.7463 3.7262
GL456392.1 23629 1251246 52.9538 340.1822
GL456393.1 55711 649909 11.6657 6.7851
GL456394.1 24323 165346 6.7979 6.4043
GL456396.1 21240 209101 9.8447 72.8063
JH584292.1 14945 189667 12.691 7.8514
JH584293.1 207968 183 0.0009 0.0297
JH584294.1 191905 581 0.003 0.0575
JH584295.1 1976 9233 4.6726 4.0626
JH584296.1 199368 53938 0.2705 1.276
JH584297.1 205776 72551 0.3526 1.3645
JH584298.1 184189 919 0.005 0.095
JH584299.1 953012 1357370 1.4243 3.1099
JH584300.1 182347 2038 0.0112 0.1154
JH584301.1 259875 1953 0.0075 0.1021
JH584302.1 155838 591 0.0038 0.0699
JH584303.1 158099 2470 0.0156 0.1533
JH584304.1 114452 40757625 356.1111 464.6503

Coverage across reference 

Coverage Histogram 

Coverage Histogram (0-50X) 

Genome Fraction Coverage 

Duplication Rate Histogram 

Mapped Reads Nucleotide Content 

Mapped Reads GC-content Distribution 

Homopolymer Indels 

Mapping Quality Across Reference 

Mapping Quality Histogram 

Insert Size Across Reference 

Insert Size Histogram