usage: humann [-h] -i -o [--threads <1>] [--version] [-r] [--bypass-nucleotide-index] [--bypass-nucleotide-search] [--bypass-prescreen] [--bypass-translated-search] [--taxonomic-profile ] [--memory-use {minimum,maximum}] [--input-format {fastq,fastq.gz,fasta,fasta.gz,sam,bam,blastm8,genetable,biom}] [--search-mode {uniref50,uniref90}] [-v] [--metaphlan ] [--metaphlan-options ] [--prescreen-threshold <0.01>] [--bowtie2 ] [--bowtie-options ] [--nucleotide-database ] [--nucleotide-identity-threshold <0.0>] [--nucleotide-query-coverage-threshold <90.0>] [--nucleotide-subject-coverage-threshold <50.0>] [--diamond ] [--diamond-options ] [--evalue <1.0>] [--protein-database ] [--rapsearch ] [--translated-alignment {usearch,rapsearch,diamond}] [--translated-identity-threshold ] [--translated-query-coverage-threshold <90.0>] [--translated-subject-coverage-threshold <50.0>] [--usearch ] [--gap-fill {on,off}] [--minpath {on,off}] [--pathways {metacyc,unipathway}] [--pathways-database ] [--xipe {on,off}] [--annotation-gene-index <3>] [--id-mapping ] [--remove-temp-output] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--o-log ] [--output-basename ] [--output-format {tsv,biom}] [--output-max-decimals <10>] [--remove-column-description-output] [--remove-stratified-output] HUMAnN : HMP Unified Metabolic Analysis Network 3 optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit [0] Common settings: -i , --input input file of type {fastq,fastq.gz,fasta,fasta.gz,sam,bam,blastm8,genetable,biom} [REQUIRED] -o , --output directory to write output files [REQUIRED] --threads <1> number of threads/processes [DEFAULT: 1] --version show program's version number and exit [1] Workflow refinement: -r, --resume bypass commands if the output files exist --bypass-nucleotide-index bypass the nucleotide index step and run on the indexed ChocoPhlAn database --bypass-nucleotide-search bypass the nucleotide search steps --bypass-prescreen bypass the prescreen step and run on the full ChocoPhlAn database --bypass-translated-search bypass the translated search step --taxonomic-profile a taxonomic profile (the output file created by metaphlan) [DEFAULT: file will be created] --memory-use {minimum,maximum} the amount of memory to use [DEFAULT: minimum] --input-format {fastq,fastq.gz,fasta,fasta.gz,sam,bam,blastm8,genetable,biom} the format of the input file [DEFAULT: format identified by software] --search-mode {uniref50,uniref90} search for uniref50 or uniref90 gene families [DEFAULT: based on translated database selected] -v, --verbose additional output is printed [2] Configure tier 1: prescreen: --metaphlan directory containing the MetaPhlAn software [DEFAULT: $PATH] --metaphlan-options options to be provided to the MetaPhlAn software [DEFAULT: "-t rel_ab"] --prescreen-threshold <0.01> minimum percentage of reads matching a species [DEFAULT: 0.01] [3] Configure tier 2: nucleotide search: --bowtie2 directory containing the bowtie2 executable [DEFAULT: $PATH] --bowtie-options options to be provided to the bowtie software [DEFAULT: "--very-sensitive"] --nucleotide-database directory containing the nucleotide database [DEFAULT: /share/biocore/projects/Internal_Jessie_UCD/Workshops/Metagenomics_and_Metatranscriptomics/References/databases/chocophlan] --nucleotide-identity-threshold <0.0> identity threshold for nuclotide alignments [DEFAULT: 0.0] --nucleotide-query-coverage-threshold <90.0> query coverage threshold for nucleotide alignments [DEFAULT: 90.0] --nucleotide-subject-coverage-threshold <50.0> subject coverage threshold for nucleotide alignments [DEFAULT: 50.0] [3] Configure tier 2: translated search: --diamond directory containing the diamond executable [DEFAULT: $PATH] --diamond-options options to be provided to the diamond software [DEFAULT: "--top 1 --outfmt 6"] --evalue <1.0> the evalue threshold to use with the translated search [DEFAULT: 1.0] --protein-database directory containing the protein database [DEFAULT: /share/biocore/projects/Internal_Jessie_UCD/Workshops/Metagenomics_and_Metatranscriptomics/References/databases/uniref] --rapsearch directory containing the rapsearch executable [DEFAULT: $PATH] --translated-alignment {usearch,rapsearch,diamond} software to use for translated alignment [DEFAULT: diamond] --translated-identity-threshold identity threshold for translated alignments [DEFAULT: Tuned automatically (based on uniref mode) unless a custom value is specified] --translated-query-coverage-threshold <90.0> query coverage threshold for translated alignments [DEFAULT: 90.0] --translated-subject-coverage-threshold <50.0> subject coverage threshold for translated alignments [DEFAULT: 50.0] --usearch directory containing the usearch executable [DEFAULT: $PATH] [5] Gene and pathway quantification: --gap-fill {on,off} turn on/off the gap fill computation [DEFAULT: on] --minpath {on,off} turn on/off the minpath computation [DEFAULT: on] --pathways {metacyc,unipathway} the database to use for pathway computations [DEFAULT: metacyc] --pathways-database mapping file (or files, at most two in a comma-delimited list) to use for pathway computations [DEFAULT: metacyc database ] --xipe {on,off} turn on/off the xipe computation [DEFAULT: off] --annotation-gene-index <3> the index of the gene in the sequence annotation [DEFAULT: 3] --id-mapping id mapping file for alignments [DEFAULT: alignment reference used] [6] More output configuration: --remove-temp-output remove temp output files [DEFAULT: temp files are not removed] --log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL} level of messages to display in log [DEFAULT: DEBUG] --o-log log file [DEFAULT: temp/sample.log] --output-basename the basename for the output files [DEFAULT: input file basename] --output-format {tsv,biom} the format of the output files [DEFAULT: tsv] --output-max-decimals <10> the number of decimals to output [DEFAULT: 10] --remove-column-description-output remove the description in the output column [DEFAULT: output column includes description] --remove-stratified-output remove stratification from output [DEFAULT: output is stratified]