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      Introduction to the Command Line for Bioinformatics

Introduction to the Workshop and the Core
Cheat Sheets
Windows 10 and Mac installation
Introduction to the Command Line 1
Introduction to the Command Line 2
Introduction to the Command Line 3
Software Installation
Installation using make and cmake
Closing thoughts
Github page
Biocore website

Setting up Windows 10 for Command-Line

In order to get a command line terminal for Windows 10, you will need to enable the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and install Ubuntu. Follow these instructions for installation.

Once you have installed the Ubuntu terminal, open one and copy and paste these commands:

apt install aptitude
aptitude install make
aptitude install cmake

Setting up a Mac for Command-Line

A Mac is already set up for the command-line, but you will probably need to install “homebrew” and then use “brew” to install some other packages. So first open a Terminal and then go to the homebrew page and follow the instructions. You basically need to copy and paste this line:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

into the Terminal and press Enter. The installer will explain what it is doing and it may need to install some other packages, such as Xcode. It will probably also ask for the admin password. Once the installer is done, you can use the brew command to install different packages. Install gsed and wget by typing these commands into the terminal:

brew install wget
brew install gnu-sed
brew install coreutils
brew install make
brew install cmake