Links to Scripts
slurm script for preprocessing using slurm task array and htstream
shell script for preprocessing using bash loop and htstream.
R script to produce summary table, assumes exact htstream operations and order as described above.
Star alignment
slurm script for indexing the genome
shell script for indexing the genome
slurm script for mapping using slurm task array and star
shell script for mapping using bash loop and star.
shell script to produce summary mapping table
Salmon alignment
slurm script for indexing the genome
shell script for indexing the genome
slurm script for mapping using slurm task array and star
shell script for mapping using bash loop and star.
R script to produce summary mapping table
Matt’s R scripts from final day
Matt’s final Rmd file for DE_analysis.Rmd
Matt’s final Rmd file for enrichment.Rmd