5 Functions

In the last section, you were asked to convert the “smoker” column to logical values. The solution is fairly simple:

birthweight$smoker == "yes"
birthweight$smoker <- (birthweight$smoker == "yes")
Table 5.1: The birthweight data frame.
ID birth.date location length birthweight head.circumference weeks.gestation smoker maternal.age maternal.cigarettes maternal.height maternal.prepregnant.weight paternal.age paternal.education paternal.cigarettes paternal.height low.birthweight geriatric.pregnancy
1107 1/25/1967 General 52 3.23 36 38 FALSE 31 0 164 57 NA NA NA NA FALSE FALSE
697 2/6/1967 Silver Hill 48 3.03 35 39 FALSE 27 0 162 62 27 14 0 178 FALSE FALSE
1683 2/14/1967 Silver Hill 53 3.35 33 41 FALSE 27 0 164 62 37 14 0 170 FALSE FALSE
27 3/9/1967 Silver Hill 53 3.55 37 41 TRUE 37 25 161 66 46 NA 0 175 FALSE TRUE
1522 3/13/1967 Memorial 50 2.74 33 39 TRUE 21 17 156 53 24 12 7 179 FALSE FALSE
569 3/23/1967 Memorial 50 2.51 35 39 TRUE 22 7 159 52 23 14 25 NA TRUE FALSE
365 4/23/1967 Memorial 52 3.53 37 40 TRUE 26 25 170 62 30 10 25 181 FALSE FALSE
808 5/5/1967 Silver Hill 48 2.92 33 34 FALSE 26 0 167 64 25 12 25 175 FALSE FALSE
1369 6/4/1967 Silver Hill 49 3.18 34 38 TRUE 31 25 162 57 32 16 50 194 FALSE FALSE
1023 6/7/1967 Memorial 52 3.00 35 38 TRUE 30 12 165 64 38 14 50 180 FALSE FALSE
822 6/14/1967 Memorial 50 3.42 35 38 FALSE 20 0 157 48 22 14 0 179 FALSE FALSE
1272 6/20/1967 Memorial 53 2.75 32 40 TRUE 37 50 168 61 31 16 0 173 FALSE TRUE
1262 6/25/1967 Silver Hill 53 3.19 34 41 TRUE 27 35 163 51 31 16 25 185 FALSE FALSE
575 7/12/1967 Memorial 50 2.78 30 37 TRUE 19 7 165 60 20 14 0 183 FALSE FALSE
1016 7/13/1967 Silver Hill 53 4.32 36 40 FALSE 19 0 171 62 19 12 0 183 FALSE FALSE
792 9/7/1967 Memorial 53 3.64 38 40 TRUE 20 2 170 59 24 12 12 185 FALSE FALSE
820 10/7/1967 General 52 3.77 34 40 FALSE 24 0 157 50 31 16 0 173 FALSE FALSE
752 10/19/1967 General 49 3.32 36 40 TRUE 27 12 152 48 37 12 25 170 FALSE FALSE
619 11/1/1967 Memorial 52 3.41 33 39 TRUE 23 25 181 69 23 16 2 181 FALSE FALSE
1764 12/7/1967 Silver Hill 58 4.57 39 41 TRUE 32 12 173 70 38 14 25 180 FALSE FALSE
1081 12/14/1967 Silver Hill 54 3.63 38 38 FALSE 18 0 172 50 20 12 7 172 FALSE FALSE
516 1/8/1968 Silver Hill 47 2.66 33 35 TRUE 20 35 170 57 23 12 50 186 TRUE FALSE
272 1/10/1968 Memorial 52 3.86 36 39 TRUE 30 25 170 78 40 16 50 178 FALSE FALSE
321 1/21/1968 Silver Hill 48 3.11 33 37 FALSE 28 0 158 54 39 10 0 171 FALSE FALSE
1636 2/2/1968 Silver Hill 51 3.93 38 38 FALSE 29 0 165 61 NA NA NA NA FALSE FALSE
1360 2/16/1968 General 56 4.55 34 44 FALSE 20 0 162 57 23 10 35 179 FALSE FALSE
1388 2/22/1968 Memorial 51 3.14 33 41 TRUE 22 7 160 53 24 16 12 176 FALSE FALSE
1363 4/2/1968 General 48 2.37 30 37 TRUE 20 7 163 47 20 10 35 185 TRUE FALSE
1058 4/24/1968 Silver Hill 53 3.15 34 40 FALSE 29 0 167 60 30 16 NA 182 FALSE FALSE
755 4/25/1968 Memorial 53 3.20 33 41 FALSE 21 0 155 55 25 14 25 183 FALSE FALSE
462 6/19/1968 Silver Hill 58 4.10 39 41 FALSE 35 0 172 58 31 16 25 185 FALSE TRUE
300 7/18/1968 Silver Hill 46 2.05 32 35 TRUE 41 7 166 57 37 14 25 173 TRUE TRUE
1088 7/24/1968 General 51 3.27 36 40 FALSE 24 0 168 53 29 16 0 181 FALSE FALSE
57 8/12/1968 Memorial 51 3.32 38 39 TRUE 23 17 157 48 NA NA NA NA FALSE FALSE
553 8/17/1968 Silver Hill 54 3.94 37 42 FALSE 24 0 175 66 30 12 0 184 FALSE FALSE
1191 9/7/1968 General 53 3.65 33 42 FALSE 21 0 165 61 21 10 25 185 FALSE FALSE
431 9/16/1968 Silver Hill 48 1.92 30 33 TRUE 20 7 161 50 20 10 35 180 TRUE FALSE
1313 9/27/1968 Silver Hill 43 2.65 32 33 FALSE 24 0 149 45 26 16 0 169 TRUE FALSE
1600 10/9/1968 General 53 2.90 34 39 FALSE 19 0 165 57 NA NA NA NA FALSE FALSE
532 10/25/1968 General 53 3.59 34 40 TRUE 31 12 163 49 41 12 50 191 FALSE FALSE
223 12/11/1968 General 50 3.87 33 45 TRUE 28 25 163 54 30 16 0 183 FALSE FALSE
1187 12/19/1968 Silver Hill 53 4.07 38 44 FALSE 20 0 174 68 26 14 25 189 FALSE FALSE

Converting the dates (currently stored as characters) to a more usable format is not as simple, and will require a function.

R is filled with functions. We have already used a few: read.csv(), class(), dim(), mean(), colnames(), as.logical(), and as.numeric(). To find the documentation on a function, use the ? character. This opens a page containing details on the function in the help pane.

5.1 Basic functions

table(birthweight$geriatric.pregnancy, birthweight$low.birthweight)
##         FALSE TRUE
##   FALSE    33    5
##   TRUE      3    1

Functions are invoked by name, with any arguments provided inside of parentheses. For example, the chisq.test() function, which runs a Chi-squared test, requires either a matrix or two vectors as arguments, and provides a number of options that may be set by the user.

chisq.test(birthweight$geriatric.pregnancy, birthweight$low.birthweight)
## Warning in chisq.test(birthweight$geriatric.pregnancy,
## birthweight$low.birthweight): Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
## data:  birthweight$geriatric.pregnancy and birthweight$low.birthweight
## X-squared = 2.7398e-31, df = 1, p-value = 1

If no parameters are provided to the options, the default values are used. In some cases, this works well.

## [1] 3.1125
# the ! character is used for negation
## [1] 3.333947

Other times, it is necessary to adjust the options in order for a function to behave as you expect.

## [1] NA
mean(birthweight$paternal.age, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 28.76316
sd(birthweight$paternal.age, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 7.061254

5.2 Combining functions

The “birth.date” column is currently stored as a character vector. But what if we wanted to look at the birth weights of babies born in December? Let’s split the day, month, and year into separate columns.

R has a function called strsplit():

strsplit(birthweight$birth.date, split = "/")
## [[1]]
## [1] "1"    "25"   "1967"
## [[2]]
## [1] "2"    "6"    "1967"
## [[3]]
## [1] "2"    "14"   "1967"
## [[4]]
## [1] "3"    "9"    "1967"
## [[5]]
## [1] "3"    "13"   "1967"
## [[6]]
## [1] "3"    "23"   "1967"
## [[7]]
## [1] "4"    "23"   "1967"
## [[8]]
## [1] "5"    "5"    "1967"
## [[9]]
## [1] "6"    "4"    "1967"
## [[10]]
## [1] "6"    "7"    "1967"
## [[11]]
## [1] "6"    "14"   "1967"
## [[12]]
## [1] "6"    "20"   "1967"
## [[13]]
## [1] "6"    "25"   "1967"
## [[14]]
## [1] "7"    "12"   "1967"
## [[15]]
## [1] "7"    "13"   "1967"
## [[16]]
## [1] "9"    "7"    "1967"
## [[17]]
## [1] "10"   "7"    "1967"
## [[18]]
## [1] "10"   "19"   "1967"
## [[19]]
## [1] "11"   "1"    "1967"
## [[20]]
## [1] "12"   "7"    "1967"
## [[21]]
## [1] "12"   "14"   "1967"
## [[22]]
## [1] "1"    "8"    "1968"
## [[23]]
## [1] "1"    "10"   "1968"
## [[24]]
## [1] "1"    "21"   "1968"
## [[25]]
## [1] "2"    "2"    "1968"
## [[26]]
## [1] "2"    "16"   "1968"
## [[27]]
## [1] "2"    "22"   "1968"
## [[28]]
## [1] "4"    "2"    "1968"
## [[29]]
## [1] "4"    "24"   "1968"
## [[30]]
## [1] "4"    "25"   "1968"
## [[31]]
## [1] "6"    "19"   "1968"
## [[32]]
## [1] "7"    "18"   "1968"
## [[33]]
## [1] "7"    "24"   "1968"
## [[34]]
## [1] "8"    "12"   "1968"
## [[35]]
## [1] "8"    "17"   "1968"
## [[36]]
## [1] "9"    "7"    "1968"
## [[37]]
## [1] "9"    "16"   "1968"
## [[38]]
## [1] "9"    "27"   "1968"
## [[39]]
## [1] "10"   "9"    "1968"
## [[40]]
## [1] "10"   "25"   "1968"
## [[41]]
## [1] "12"   "11"   "1968"
## [[42]]
## [1] "12"   "19"   "1968"

This is a good start. However, the output of strsplit() is a list containing 42 vectors of length 3, while the columns of birthweight are vectors of length 42.

A note on lists:

Lists are ordered collections of objects, which can be of any type. Unlike vectors, lists may contain elements of different types. To subset a list, use the $ or [[ operator.

The unlist() function will “flatten” a list into a vector.

unlist(strsplit(birthweight$birth.date, split = "/"))
##   [1] "1"    "25"   "1967" "2"    "6"    "1967" "2"    "14"   "1967" "3"   
##  [11] "9"    "1967" "3"    "13"   "1967" "3"    "23"   "1967" "4"    "23"  
##  [21] "1967" "5"    "5"    "1967" "6"    "4"    "1967" "6"    "7"    "1967"
##  [31] "6"    "14"   "1967" "6"    "20"   "1967" "6"    "25"   "1967" "7"   
##  [41] "12"   "1967" "7"    "13"   "1967" "9"    "7"    "1967" "10"   "7"   
##  [51] "1967" "10"   "19"   "1967" "11"   "1"    "1967" "12"   "7"    "1967"
##  [61] "12"   "14"   "1967" "1"    "8"    "1968" "1"    "10"   "1968" "1"   
##  [71] "21"   "1968" "2"    "2"    "1968" "2"    "16"   "1968" "2"    "22"  
##  [81] "1968" "4"    "2"    "1968" "4"    "24"   "1968" "4"    "25"   "1968"
##  [91] "6"    "19"   "1968" "7"    "18"   "1968" "7"    "24"   "1968" "8"   
## [101] "12"   "1968" "8"    "17"   "1968" "9"    "7"    "1968" "9"    "16"  
## [111] "1968" "9"    "27"   "1968" "10"   "9"    "1968" "10"   "25"   "1968"
## [121] "12"   "11"   "1968" "12"   "19"   "1968"

When functions are “nested,” the operation in the innermost set of parentheses is performed first. In the example above, the unlist() function is applied to the output of strsplit(), changing a list to a vector. Since the goal was to split one column into three columns, this combination of functions is not effective.

We are going to need to apply some function to each item in the list that allows us to retrieve the first element of the vector.

5.3 The apply() family of functions

One of the most useful groups of functions in R is the apply() family of functions. This group of functions execute a provided function on every element of a data structure.

apply takes a matrix, applies a function either by row or by column, and returns a vector.

# by row
apply(birthweight[,c("maternal.cigarettes", "paternal.cigarettes")], 1, sum)
##  [1] NA  0  0 25 24 32 50 25 75 62  0 50 60  7  0 14  0 37 27 37  7 85 75  0 NA
## [26] 35 19 42 NA 25 25 32  0 NA  0 25 42  0 NA 62 25 25
# by column
apply(birthweight[,c("maternal.cigarettes", "paternal.cigarettes")], 2, sum)
## maternal.cigarettes paternal.cigarettes 
##                 396                  NA

mapply takes a function and applies it to the elements of one or more vectors.

mapply(sum, birthweight$maternal.cigarettes, birthweight$paternal.cigarettes)
##  [1] NA  0  0 25 24 32 50 25 75 62  0 50 60  7  0 14  0 37 27 37  7 85 75  0 NA
## [26] 35 19 42 NA 25 25 32  0 NA  0 25 42  0 NA 62 25 25

tapply takes two vectors, applies a function to the subsets of the first based on the categories in the second vector, and returns a table.

tapply(birthweight$birthweight, birthweight$smoker, mean)
##    FALSE     TRUE 
## 3.509500 3.134091

lapply takes a list, applies a function to each element, and returns a list.

sapply takes a list, applies a function to each element, and returns a list that has been simplified as much as possible.

lapply(strsplit(birthweight$birth.date, split = "/"), '[[', 1)
## [[1]]
## [1] "1"
## [[2]]
## [1] "2"
## [[3]]
## [1] "2"
## [[4]]
## [1] "3"
## [[5]]
## [1] "3"
## [[6]]
## [1] "3"
## [[7]]
## [1] "4"
## [[8]]
## [1] "5"
## [[9]]
## [1] "6"
## [[10]]
## [1] "6"
## [[11]]
## [1] "6"
## [[12]]
## [1] "6"
## [[13]]
## [1] "6"
## [[14]]
## [1] "7"
## [[15]]
## [1] "7"
## [[16]]
## [1] "9"
## [[17]]
## [1] "10"
## [[18]]
## [1] "10"
## [[19]]
## [1] "11"
## [[20]]
## [1] "12"
## [[21]]
## [1] "12"
## [[22]]
## [1] "1"
## [[23]]
## [1] "1"
## [[24]]
## [1] "1"
## [[25]]
## [1] "2"
## [[26]]
## [1] "2"
## [[27]]
## [1] "2"
## [[28]]
## [1] "4"
## [[29]]
## [1] "4"
## [[30]]
## [1] "4"
## [[31]]
## [1] "6"
## [[32]]
## [1] "7"
## [[33]]
## [1] "7"
## [[34]]
## [1] "8"
## [[35]]
## [1] "8"
## [[36]]
## [1] "9"
## [[37]]
## [1] "9"
## [[38]]
## [1] "9"
## [[39]]
## [1] "10"
## [[40]]
## [1] "10"
## [[41]]
## [1] "12"
## [[42]]
## [1] "12"
sapply(strsplit(birthweight$birth.date, split = "/"), '[[', 1)
##  [1] "1"  "2"  "2"  "3"  "3"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "6"  "6"  "6"  "6"  "7"  "7" 
## [16] "9"  "10" "10" "11" "12" "12" "1"  "1"  "1"  "2"  "2"  "2"  "4"  "4"  "4" 
## [31] "6"  "7"  "7"  "8"  "8"  "9"  "9"  "9"  "10" "10" "12" "12"

The result of this nested pair of functions is a vector of months encoded as numbers stored as characters.

5.4 Custom functions

What if we want to do this for all three fields, but we don’t want to write the code three times?

Take a few minutes to dissect the following function, working from the inside out. What does each piece do?

# custom function takes a vector of dates and returns a data frame with columns day, month, and year
split_MMDDYYYY <- function(date_vector){
  date_list = lapply(seq(1:3), function(i){
    as.integer(sapply(strsplit(date_vector, split = "/"), '[[', i))
  names(date_list) = c("month", "day", "year")
  as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", date_list))
Table 5.2: Results of split_MMDDYYYY(birthweight$birth.date).
month day year
1 25 1967
2 6 1967
2 14 1967
3 9 1967
3 13 1967
3 23 1967
4 23 1967
5 5 1967
6 4 1967
6 7 1967
6 14 1967
6 20 1967
6 25 1967
7 12 1967
7 13 1967
9 7 1967
10 7 1967
10 19 1967
11 1 1967
12 7 1967
12 14 1967
1 8 1968
1 10 1968
1 21 1968
2 2 1968
2 16 1968
2 22 1968
4 2 1968
4 24 1968
4 25 1968
6 19 1968
7 18 1968
7 24 1968
8 12 1968
8 17 1968
9 7 1968
9 16 1968
9 27 1968
10 9 1968
10 25 1968
12 11 1968
12 19 1968
birthweight <- cbind(birthweight, split_MMDDYYYY(birthweight$birth.date))

The cbind() function combines objects by column. Now that we have the birth month in its own column, we can get the mean of birth weight by month.

tapply(birthweight$birthweight, birthweight$month, mean)
##        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8 
## 3.215000 3.600000 2.933333 3.062500 2.920000 3.273333 3.105000 3.630000 
##        9       10       11       12 
## 2.965000 3.395000 3.410000 4.035000

5.5 Exercise 3: summarizing the data

Pick one or more of the following questions to answer, or come up with one of your own. Work together. Once you’ve answered a question in one way, can you come up with alternate code that generates the same answer?

  • Are preterm babies more likely to have low birth weight?
  • What is the ratio of maternal cigarettes to paternal cigarettes for births at each of the hospitals?
  • Do taller mothers have taller partners? Do they have longer babies?

5.6 Merging data frames

For this example experiment, we also have placental miRNA expression data. These values are not from real samples, but have been manipulated to roughly reproduce the effect observed by Maccani et al. 2010.

download.file("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ucdavis-bioinformatics-training/2022_February_Introduction_to_R_for_Bioinformatics/main/miRNA.csv", "miRNA.csv")
mir <- read.csv("miRNA.csv", row.names = 1)
Table 5.3: The mir data frame.
sample.27 sample.1522 sample.569 sample.365 sample.1369 sample.1023 sample.1272 sample.1262 sample.575 sample.792 sample.752 sample.619 sample.1764 sample.516 sample.272 sample.1388 sample.1363 sample.300 sample.57 sample.431 sample.532 sample.223 sample.1107 sample.697 sample.1683 sample.808 sample.822 sample.1016 sample.820 sample.1081 sample.321 sample.1636 sample.1360 sample.1058 sample.755 sample.462 sample.1088 sample.553 sample.1191 sample.1313 sample.1600 sample.1187
miR-16 46 56 47 54 56 59 49 55 62 63 46 52 46 61 49 46 61 60 46 70 60 60 57 68 49 59 54 69 58 55 68 63 70 77 56 65 42 63 66 64 50 57
miR-21 52 43 40 35 59 47 42 45 55 45 42 43 40 51 43 44 47 48 39 51 44 46 49 47 48 56 52 41 55 52 46 39 57 55 46 58 54 54 48 47 44 46
miR-146a 98 97 87 96 84 96 88 97 96 104 103 92 98 97 91 105 77 89 105 84 94 87 116 98 98 101 86 98 102 93 125 104 111 124 101 101 107 106 102 104 111 86
miR-182 53 45 63 41 46 50 49 50 62 51 64 58 57 59 55 60 60 65 40 48 49 52 48 57 55 74 49 51 53 52 60 43 46 56 50 60 63 60 50 42 67 43

In this object, the rows are the gene identifiers, and the columns are the samples.

mir <- as.data.frame(t(mir))
mir$ID <- gsub("sample.", "", rownames(mir))
experiment <- merge(birthweight, mir)

What did these lines of code do? Explore each of them, looking up the function help using ? as necessary.

Table 5.4: The experiment data frame.
ID birth.date location length birthweight head.circumference weeks.gestation smoker maternal.age maternal.cigarettes maternal.height maternal.prepregnant.weight paternal.age paternal.education paternal.cigarettes paternal.height low.birthweight geriatric.pregnancy month day year miR-16 miR-21 miR-146a miR-182
27 3/9/1967 Silver Hill 53 3.55 37 41 TRUE 37 25 161 66 46 NA 0 175 FALSE TRUE 3 9 1967 46 52 98 53
57 8/12/1968 Memorial 51 3.32 38 39 TRUE 23 17 157 48 NA NA NA NA FALSE FALSE 8 12 1968 46 39 105 40
223 12/11/1968 General 50 3.87 33 45 TRUE 28 25 163 54 30 16 0 183 FALSE FALSE 12 11 1968 60 46 87 52
272 1/10/1968 Memorial 52 3.86 36 39 TRUE 30 25 170 78 40 16 50 178 FALSE FALSE 1 10 1968 49 43 91 55
300 7/18/1968 Silver Hill 46 2.05 32 35 TRUE 41 7 166 57 37 14 25 173 TRUE TRUE 7 18 1968 60 48 89 65
321 1/21/1968 Silver Hill 48 3.11 33 37 FALSE 28 0 158 54 39 10 0 171 FALSE FALSE 1 21 1968 68 46 125 60
365 4/23/1967 Memorial 52 3.53 37 40 TRUE 26 25 170 62 30 10 25 181 FALSE FALSE 4 23 1967 54 35 96 41
431 9/16/1968 Silver Hill 48 1.92 30 33 TRUE 20 7 161 50 20 10 35 180 TRUE FALSE 9 16 1968 70 51 84 48
462 6/19/1968 Silver Hill 58 4.10 39 41 FALSE 35 0 172 58 31 16 25 185 FALSE TRUE 6 19 1968 65 58 101 60
516 1/8/1968 Silver Hill 47 2.66 33 35 TRUE 20 35 170 57 23 12 50 186 TRUE FALSE 1 8 1968 61 51 97 59
532 10/25/1968 General 53 3.59 34 40 TRUE 31 12 163 49 41 12 50 191 FALSE FALSE 10 25 1968 60 44 94 49
553 8/17/1968 Silver Hill 54 3.94 37 42 FALSE 24 0 175 66 30 12 0 184 FALSE FALSE 8 17 1968 63 54 106 60
569 3/23/1967 Memorial 50 2.51 35 39 TRUE 22 7 159 52 23 14 25 NA TRUE FALSE 3 23 1967 47 40 87 63
575 7/12/1967 Memorial 50 2.78 30 37 TRUE 19 7 165 60 20 14 0 183 FALSE FALSE 7 12 1967 62 55 96 62
619 11/1/1967 Memorial 52 3.41 33 39 TRUE 23 25 181 69 23 16 2 181 FALSE FALSE 11 1 1967 52 43 92 58
697 2/6/1967 Silver Hill 48 3.03 35 39 FALSE 27 0 162 62 27 14 0 178 FALSE FALSE 2 6 1967 68 47 98 57
752 10/19/1967 General 49 3.32 36 40 TRUE 27 12 152 48 37 12 25 170 FALSE FALSE 10 19 1967 46 42 103 64
755 4/25/1968 Memorial 53 3.20 33 41 FALSE 21 0 155 55 25 14 25 183 FALSE FALSE 4 25 1968 56 46 101 50
792 9/7/1967 Memorial 53 3.64 38 40 TRUE 20 2 170 59 24 12 12 185 FALSE FALSE 9 7 1967 63 45 104 51
808 5/5/1967 Silver Hill 48 2.92 33 34 FALSE 26 0 167 64 25 12 25 175 FALSE FALSE 5 5 1967 59 56 101 74
820 10/7/1967 General 52 3.77 34 40 FALSE 24 0 157 50 31 16 0 173 FALSE FALSE 10 7 1967 58 55 102 53
822 6/14/1967 Memorial 50 3.42 35 38 FALSE 20 0 157 48 22 14 0 179 FALSE FALSE 6 14 1967 54 52 86 49
1016 7/13/1967 Silver Hill 53 4.32 36 40 FALSE 19 0 171 62 19 12 0 183 FALSE FALSE 7 13 1967 69 41 98 51
1023 6/7/1967 Memorial 52 3.00 35 38 TRUE 30 12 165 64 38 14 50 180 FALSE FALSE 6 7 1967 59 47 96 50
1058 4/24/1968 Silver Hill 53 3.15 34 40 FALSE 29 0 167 60 30 16 NA 182 FALSE FALSE 4 24 1968 77 55 124 56
1081 12/14/1967 Silver Hill 54 3.63 38 38 FALSE 18 0 172 50 20 12 7 172 FALSE FALSE 12 14 1967 55 52 93 52
1088 7/24/1968 General 51 3.27 36 40 FALSE 24 0 168 53 29 16 0 181 FALSE FALSE 7 24 1968 42 54 107 63
1107 1/25/1967 General 52 3.23 36 38 FALSE 31 0 164 57 NA NA NA NA FALSE FALSE 1 25 1967 57 49 116 48
1187 12/19/1968 Silver Hill 53 4.07 38 44 FALSE 20 0 174 68 26 14 25 189 FALSE FALSE 12 19 1968 57 46 86 43
1191 9/7/1968 General 53 3.65 33 42 FALSE 21 0 165 61 21 10 25 185 FALSE FALSE 9 7 1968 66 48 102 50
1262 6/25/1967 Silver Hill 53 3.19 34 41 TRUE 27 35 163 51 31 16 25 185 FALSE FALSE 6 25 1967 55 45 97 50
1272 6/20/1967 Memorial 53 2.75 32 40 TRUE 37 50 168 61 31 16 0 173 FALSE TRUE 6 20 1967 49 42 88 49
1313 9/27/1968 Silver Hill 43 2.65 32 33 FALSE 24 0 149 45 26 16 0 169 TRUE FALSE 9 27 1968 64 47 104 42
1360 2/16/1968 General 56 4.55 34 44 FALSE 20 0 162 57 23 10 35 179 FALSE FALSE 2 16 1968 70 57 111 46
1363 4/2/1968 General 48 2.37 30 37 TRUE 20 7 163 47 20 10 35 185 TRUE FALSE 4 2 1968 61 47 77 60
1369 6/4/1967 Silver Hill 49 3.18 34 38 TRUE 31 25 162 57 32 16 50 194 FALSE FALSE 6 4 1967 56 59 84 46
1388 2/22/1968 Memorial 51 3.14 33 41 TRUE 22 7 160 53 24 16 12 176 FALSE FALSE 2 22 1968 46 44 105 60
1522 3/13/1967 Memorial 50 2.74 33 39 TRUE 21 17 156 53 24 12 7 179 FALSE FALSE 3 13 1967 56 43 97 45
1600 10/9/1968 General 53 2.90 34 39 FALSE 19 0 165 57 NA NA NA NA FALSE FALSE 10 9 1968 50 44 111 67
1636 2/2/1968 Silver Hill 51 3.93 38 38 FALSE 29 0 165 61 NA NA NA NA FALSE FALSE 2 2 1968 63 39 104 43
1683 2/14/1967 Silver Hill 53 3.35 33 41 FALSE 27 0 164 62 37 14 0 170 FALSE FALSE 2 14 1967 49 48 98 55
1764 12/7/1967 Silver Hill 58 4.57 39 41 TRUE 32 12 173 70 38 14 25 180 FALSE FALSE 12 7 1967 46 40 98 57