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      UC Davis Bioinformatics Workshop Base Template

Intro to the Workshop and Core
Examples of Markdown Formatting
RNAseq/TagSeq Workflow
10x Supernova (In progress)

Snakemake Pipeline for TagSeq and RnaSeq

Some notes about the new pipeline: See the new pipeline

  1. Alter the templates/tagseq.json, templates/pe.json, templates/se.json file. Most importantly see basename.

         "__default__" :
             "__comment1": "running_locally=[True,False] ~ type=[PE,SE,tagseq]",
             "running_locally" : "False",
             "type": "PE",8=
             "__comment2": "Path to the file containing a column of sample names",
             "samples_file": "pe_rnaseq/samples.txt"
         "project": {
             "basename": "/share/biocore/keith/workshop/snakemake-tutorial/pe_rnaseq",
             "id": "PE",
             "fastqs": "00-RawData",
             "human_rrna_ref": "/share/biocore/keith/workshop/rnaseq_examples/References/human_rrna.fasta",
             "star_ref": "/share/workshop/msettles/rnaseq_example/References/star.overlap100.gencode.v31",
         "hts_star" :
             "__comment": "This is for running one sample for htspreproc > star",
             "job-name": "hts_star_",
             "n" : 1,
             "ntasks": 9,
             "partition": "production",
             "time" : "120",
             "mem": "32000",
             "__comment2": "The name of the sample and analysis type will be inserted before .out and .err",
             "output": "slurm_out/hts_star_.out",
             "error": "slurm_out/hts_star_.err",
             "mail-type": "ALL",
             "mail-user": "kgmitchell@ucdavis.edu"
  2. Activate the proper version of snakemake:
    • module load snakemake
    • source activate snakemake
  3. Now you would likely want to run a set of samples (A) or an individual sample for a certain type of dataset (PE RNAseq, TAGseq, or SE RNAseq) so also be sure to specify the type as PE, tagseq, or SE in the respective json files.
    • A) Run a set of samples:
      • Via list: snakemake -s snakefile.py master_rule --configfile templates/pe.json --config samples=SampleAC1,SampleAC2,SampleAC3
      • Via file (specified in .json): snakemake -s snakefile.py master_rule --configfile templates/pe.json
    • B) Run an individual sample:
      • snakemake -s snakefile.py master_rule --configfile templates/pe.json --config samples=SampleAC1
  4. Finally for the samples that you have finished you will likely want to run stats on the hts processing and produce the counts.
    • A) Run a set of samples:
      • Via list: snakemake -s snakefile.py full_analysis --config samples=SampleAC1,SampleAC2,SampleAC3
      • Via file in (specified in .json): snakemake hts_proc_stats --configfile templates/pe.json
    • B) Run an individual sample:
      • snakemake -s snakefile.py full_analysis --configfile templates/pe.json --config samples=SampleAC1
  5. A few extra notes about the pipeline:
    • Master Rule:
      • The master_rule looks at the variable running_locally and submits the rule all as either an sbatch or a local call for the variable False and True respectively.
      • If running_locally is False be sure to edit the file templates/tagseq.json, templates/pe.json, templates/se.json for the specific sbatch parameters for the job.
    • Output:
      • If a job fails then the files marked as output for a rule will be removed.
    • Full analysis:
      • Uses the new summarize_stats.py which can generally handle PE, SE, and Tagseq data.
      • See summaryize_stats.py
      • summarize_stats.py --help

Running the new workflow:

Lets create a pdf of what our work flow will look like.

snakemake -s snakefile.py full_analysis --configfile templates/pe.json --dry-run --dag | dot -Tsvg > rnaseq.svg


Run 4 samples: (Pre Processing and STAR)

snakemake -s snakefile.py master_rule --configfile templates/pe.json
snakemake -s snakefile.py master_rule --configfile templates/se.json
snakemake -s snakefile.py master_rule --configfile templates/tagseq.json

Once your jobs have finished run the rest of the rest of the analysis (HTS stats and Counts)

snakemake -s snakefile.py full_analysis --configfile templates/pe.json
snakemake -s snakefile.py full_analysis --configfile templates/se.json
snakemake -s snakefile.py full_analysis --configfile templates/tagseq.json