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      Genome Assembly Workshop 2020

Introduction and Lectures
Intro to the Workshop and Core
Genome Assembly
Introduction to the DNA Tech Core
A Brief Overview of Genome Annotation, with a Focus on the Use of Isoseq
Cheat Sheets
Software and Links
CLI - Logging in and Transferring Files
CLI - Intro to Command-Line
CLI - Advanced Command-Line (extra)
CLI - Running jobs on the Cluster and using modules
R - Getting Started
R - Intro to R
R - Prepare Data in R (extra)
R - Data in R (extra)
More Materials (extra)
Challenge Answers
K-mers tutorial
Introduction to PacBio HiFi Data and Applications
Genome Assembly with PacBio HiFi Data
Improved Phased Assembly (IPA) Using HiFi Data
Assembling the drosophila genome with IPA and HiFi data
ONT Assembly
Introduction to ONT
Assembly using ONT - Hands-on
Optical mapping for accurate genome assembly, comparative genomics, and haplotype segregation
Phase Genomics
Using Proximity to Fix Assembly
Genome Assessment
Additional QA/QC and metrics
Closing thoughts
Workshop Photos
Github page
Report Errors
Biocore website


All times are PDT / UTC-07:00

Monday, June 20

8:50 Zoom session starts
9:00 Welcome, format and expectations and introductions
9:15 Connections, logging in, environment
9:30 Running jobs on a cluster
10:00 SnakeMake by Keith Mitchell, Bioinformatics Core, UC Davis
12:00 Lunch hour
1:00 Kmers and Genomes
4:00 Introduction to DNA Technologies Core
4:30 Wrap-up
5:00 Zoom session ends

Tuesday, June 21

8:50 Zoom session starts
9:00 Recap of previous day
9:30 Introduction to PacBio HiFi Data and Applications- Kristin Mars, Sequencing Application Specialist
10:00 High Quality Genome Assemblies with PacBio HiFi Data: A survey of Library Protocols for Creatures Large and Small- Dr. Sarah Kingan, Senior Staff Scientist
10:30 15 minute break
10:45 Improved Phased Assembly (IPA) Using HiFi Data- Dr. Ivan Sovic, Assembly Technical Lead
11:15 Morning wrap-up and lab set up
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Assembling the genome using PacBio’s HiFi data assembly tool, IPA- Dr. Zev Kronenberg, Senior Engineer
4:30 Wrap-up
5:00 Zoom session ends

Wednesday, June 22

8:50 Zoom session starts
9:00 Recap of previous day
9:30 Assembling a genome with Oxford Nanopore Data Dr. Jessie Li, Bioininformatics Core, UC Davis
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Assembling a genome with Oxford Nanopore Data (Cont.) Dr. Jessie Li, Bioininformatics Core, UC Davis
3:00 Bionano Genomics scaffolding Dr. Alex Hastie, Bionano Genomics
4:30 Wrap-up
5:00 Zoom session ends

Thursday, June 23

8:50 Zoom session starts
9:00 Recap of previous day
9:30 Scaffolding with HiC Data Dr. Shawn Sullivan, Phase Genomics
1:00 Busco, Dr. Sam Hunter, Bioinformatics Core, UC Davis
3:00 Genomics QA/QC
4:30 Wrap-up
5:00 Zoom session ends


For the remote/virtual course in July.