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      Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics

Introduction and Lectures
Intro to the Workshop and Core
What is Bioinformatics/Genomics?
Cheat Sheets
Software and Links
Logging In
Cluster Computing
Data Analysis
Files and Filetypes
Prepare dataset
Preprocessing raw data
Metagenomics data analysis
Metatranscriptomics data analysis
Integrate two data types
Closing thoughts
Workshop Photos
Github page
Biocore website


All posted times are Pacific time zone. At least one break will be provided each morning and afternoon. This is a dual-format in-person and remote workshop. Zoom meeting will be open to remote participants from 8:50 am to 5:00 pm daily.

Monday, December 13

9:00 am Using Zoom for the workshop
9:15 am Introduction to the workshop and the Core
9:45 am Basics of the Command Line
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Command Line, continued
11:30 am Sponsor talk / questions (TBA)
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Introduction to R for Bioinformatics
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm R, continued
4:30 pm Project set-up

Tuesday, December 14

9:00 am Metagenomics (overview lecture)
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Adapter and quality trimming
11:30 am Sponsor talk / questions (TBA)
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Community profiling with Kraken
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Host DNA removal

Wednesday, December 15

9:00 am Community profiling using assembly
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Guest lecture
11:30 am Sponsor talk / questions (TBA)
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Community profiling using assembly, continued
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Metagenomics downstream analysis

Thursday, December 16

9:00 am Metatranscriptomics (overview lecture)
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Adapter and quality trimming, rRNA removal
11:30 am Sponsor talk / questions (TBA)
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Metatranscriptomics assembly
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Metatranscriptomics assembly, continued

Friday, December 17

9:00 am Functional annotation of the transcriptome
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Functional annotation of the transcriptome, continued
11:30 am Sponsor talk / questions (TBA)
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Integration of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Integration of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data, continued
4:00 pm Closing