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      RNA-Seq Analysis

Introduction and Lectures
Intro to the Workshop and Core
What is Bioinformatics/Genomics?
Experimental Design and Cost Estimation
RNA Sequencing Technologies - Dr. Lutz Froenicke
Cheat Sheets
Software and Links
Data Reduction
Files and Filetypes
Prepare dataset
Preprocessing raw data
Indexing a Genome
Alignment with Star
Generating counts tables
Alignment/Counts with Salmon (Extra)
3' TagSeq
Data analysis
Prepare R for data analysis
Annotation from BioMart
Differential Expression Analysis
Pathway Analysis
Comparison between STAR and Salmon
Closing thoughts
Workshop Photos
Github page
Report Errors
Biocore website

TagSeq data reduction workflow

What is TagSeq

3′ TagSeq is a protocol to generate low-cost and exceptionally low-noise gene expression profiling data.

Weng, etc., Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2398:151-172. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1912-4_13

The comparison of the traditional RNASeq profile and TagSeq across gene annotations.



Advantages of TagSeq

Disadvantages of TagSeq

Data reduction workflow

The data reduction steps involved in TagSeq analysis are very similar to regular RNASeq data, except that we should take advantages of the UMIs used to remove any PCR duplicates in the data (not SuperDeduper from htstream). This requires a tool that can identify those UMIs and collapse all duplicates that have the same UMI. UMItools is one of these tools. It extracts the UMI sequences from raw sequencing reads first. After mapping the reads to the reference genome, it then collapse all identical UMI tagged reads that also map to the same genomic location to one sinlge read. For using with our preprocessing tool htstream seamlessly, we have written our own script to extract the UMI information. After mapping and deduplication, the counts table has to be generated using a separate counting program (htseq-counts or featurecounts).

  1. An example of the preprocessing script used with TagSeq data.

     #SBATCH --job-name=salmon_index # Job name
     #SBATCH --nodes=1
     #SBATCH --ntasks=9
     #SBATCH --time=120
     #SBATCH --mem=3000 # Memory pool for all cores (see also --mem-per-cpu)
     #SBATCH --partition=production
     #SBATCH --array=1-38
     #SBATCH --output=slurmout/htstream_%A_%a.out # File to which STDOUT will be written
     #SBATCH --error=slurmout/htstream_%A_%a.err # File to which STDERR will be written
     start=`date +%s`
     echo $HOSTNAME
     sample=`sed "${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}q;d" samples.txt`
     [[ -d ${outpath} ]] || mkdir ${outpath}
     [[ -d ${outpath}/${sample} ]] || mkdir ${outpath}/${sample}
     echo "SAMPLE: ${sample}"
     module load htstream/1.3.3
     module load anaconda3/4.9.2
     infile=`ls ${inpath} | grep ${sample}_`
     echo "FILE: ${infile}"
     call="hts_Stats -L ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}.json -N 'initial stats' \
               -U ${inpath}/${infile} | \
             hts_SeqScreener -A ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}.json -N 'screen phix' | \
             hts_SeqScreener -A ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}.json -N 'count the number of rRNA reads'\
             -r -s References/mouse_rrna.fasta | \
             ./extract_UMI_htstream.py --read 1 --length 6 | \
             hts_CutTrim -a 16 -A ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}.json -N 'trim first 16 bases' | \
             hts_AdapterTrimmer -A ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}.json -N 'trim adapters' | \
             hts_PolyATTrim --no-left --skip_polyT -A ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}.json -N 'remove polyA' | \
             hts_QWindowTrim -A ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}.json -N 'quality trim the ends of reads' | \
             hts_NTrimmer -A ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}.json -N 'remove any remaining N bases' | \
             hts_LengthFilter -A ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}.json -N 'remove reads < 50 bp' \
             -n -m 50 | \
             hts_Stats -A ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}.json -N 'final stats' \
             -f ${outpath}/${sample}/${sample}"
     echo $call
     eval $call
     end=`date +%s`
     echo $runtime
  2. After running this script, you will obtain similar results as we have done in the class, but only for R1 read. Then alignment can be done using STAR (in single-end mode).

  3. Then the deduplication can be performed using UMItools as demonstrated in the script below.

     #SBATCH --nodes=1
     #SBATCH --ntasks=8
     #SBATCH --time=360
     #SBATCH --mem=16000 # Memory pool for all cores (see also --mem-per-cpu)
     #SBATCH --partition=production
     #SBATCH --array=1-54
     #SBATCH --output=logs/counts/count_%A_%a.out # File to which STDOUT will be written
     #SBATCH --error=logs/counts/count_%A_%a.err # File to which STDERR will be written
     start=`date +%s`
     echo $HOSTNAME
     sample=`sed "${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}q;d" samples.txt`
     echo "SAMPLE: ${sample}"
     module load samtools
     samtools index -b ${inpath}/${sample}/${sample}_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
     module load umitools
     source activate umitools-1.1.2
     umi_tools dedup -I ${inpath}/${sample}/${sample}_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam \
                     --log=${inpath}/${sample}/${sample}_dedup.log \
                     -S ${inpath}/${sample}/${sample}_dedup.bam
     samtools index -b ${inpath}/${sample}/${sample}_dedup.bam
     module load subread
     featureCounts -T 4 --verbose -s 1 \
                   -a ${annotation} \
                   -t exon \
                   -o ${inpath}/${sample}/${sample}_featurecounts.txt \
                   ${inpath}/${sample}/${sample}_dedup.bam \
                   > ${inpath}/${sample}/${sample}_featurecounts.stdout \
                   2> ${inpath}/${sample}/${sample}_featurecounts.stderr
     end=`date +%s`
     echo $runtime