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      Introduction to Analysis of Epigenetic Data 2020

Introduction to the Workshop and the Core
What is Bioinformatics/Genomics?
Some Experimental Design?
Cheat Sheets
Software and Links
Introduction to the Command Line
Introduction to R
High Performance Computing
Data Reduction ChIPseq/ATACseq
Filetype Description
ChIP and ATAC project setup
Preprocessing Reads
Mapping Reads
Filtering Reads
Peak Call with MACS2
Data Analysis ChIPseq/ATACseq
Differential ChIPseq
Differential ATACseq
R Package Installation
Introduction to WGBS
WGBS hands-on
Closing thoughts
Workshop Photos
Github page
Biocore website

Differential ChIPseq Peak Analysis

This document assumes calling of peaks with MACS2 has been completed.

IF for some reason it didn’t finish, is corrupted or you missed the session, you can copy over a completed copy

#cp -r /share/biocore/workshops/2020_Epigenetics/ChIPseq/04-MACS2 /share/workshop/epigenetics_workshop/$USER/chipseq_example/.
#cp -r /share/biocore/workshops/2020_Epigenetics/ATACseq/04-MACS2 /share/workshop/epigenetics_workshop/$USER/atacseq_example/.

First lets set up our environment and start R

cd /share/workshop/epigenetics_workshop/$USER/chipseq_example/
mkdir 05-DiffBind
cd 05-DiffBind

module load R

Using a custom library path

we are going to use my library to make sure everyone’s env works, but later you can install your own packages.

new_rlib = file.path("/share/workshop/epigenetics_workshop", "msettles","r_lib")

# To use your own
#new_rlib = file.path("/share/workshop/epigenetics_workshop", Sys.getenv("USER") ,"r_lib")


And then load your libraries


The DiffBind Sample Samplesheet

The DiffBind sample sheet allows you to specify the data and metadata informaton for each samples. The available columns are

We are going to use 12 columns even though we don’t need all of them. I’ve got one created all aready, lets load it into R and then visualize

samplesheet = read.table("chipseq_diffbind.tsv",sep="\t", header=T,as.is=T)


We can next perform some quality checks.

  1. We’ll use ChIPQC to generate a fancy report.

    We are going to use our samplesheet and use all the chromosomes..

     experiment = ChIPQC(samplesheet, annotation="mm10", chromosomes=c(paste0("chr",1:19),"chrX","chrY"))
     ChIPQCreport(experiment, reportName="ChIPQC_Epigenetics_Workshop", reportFolder="ChIPQC_allchr_Epigenetics_Workshop")

    My ChIPseq QC Report

    • From Encode “Library complexity is measured using the Non-Redundant Fraction (NRF) and PCR Bottlenecking Coefficients 1 and 2, or PBC1 and PBC2. Preferred values are as follows: NRF>0.9, PBC1>0.9, and PBC2>10.”


    1. What are these values in our data? Are they legitamate?
    2. What might we have to do to accurately determine them?

Differential Peaks using DiffBind and Limma Voom

As you heard already, we tend to prefer Limma Voom over the other techniques out there, due to its model flexibility and speed.

  1. Merge and Count First thing we need to do if DiffBind to ‘merge’ the peaks in our samples and produce a binding affinity matrix (raw counts of reads to merged peaks). There are many algorithms to choose from, the default here should be sufficient:

     1. Counts first establishes summits as the location of maximum overlapping reads.
     1. Recenters the data to the summit ('merged' peak regions)
     1. And then counts the reads that align to the new peak.

    The peaks in the ‘merged’ peaks regions may be re-centered and trimmed based on the calculated summits (point of greatest read overlap) to provide more standardized peak intervals.

     chip_dba = dba(sampleSheet=samplesheet)
     counts = dba.count(chip_dba)


    1. What are the different parameters
    2. Look at the object, what are our FRiP scores.
    3. What are the different elements in the resulting list.
    4. How many ‘merged peaks to we have’?
    5. Spend a little time getting to know the object.
  2. We can use DiffBeaks to produce a PCA of samples

     dba.plotPCA(counts,  attributes=DBA_TREATMENT, label=DBA_ID)


    1. Then we’ll extract the reads and build a new counts table for use in other applications (ala Limma).
     counts.table <- do.call("cbind",lapply(counts$peaks, function(x)x$Reads))
     pdata <- counts$samples
     colnames(counts.table) <- pdata$SampleID

    We’ll extract the peak coordinates from the first sample

     peak.info <- counts$peaks[[1]][,1:3]
     rownames(peak.info) <- gsub(" +", "", (apply(peak.info, 1, paste0, collapse = "_")))
     rownames(counts.table) <- rownames(peak.info)

    And now we have an peak abundance table for all samples (counts.table) and experiment metadata table (pdata). We’ve further written it out if we’d like to use it elsewhere.

  3. Filtering and plotting a MDS

    We need to create our Differential Gene Expression List (DGEList) object that limma uses and Calculate our normalizing factors.

     dgelist <- DGEList(counts.table,samples=pdata)
     dgelist <- calcNormFactors(dgelist)

    Here we will choose a cutoff of 20 (semi-random choice) to produce a smaller more managable set of peaks. There are strategies using voom and the voom plot to better choose an appropriate cutoff. BUT in general we reduce the number of peaks to those that are most likely to be interesting.

     cutoff <- 20
     drop <- apply(cpm(dgelist), 1, max) < cutoff
     dgefilter <- dgelist[!drop,]
  4. Finally, lets apply the model and produce our result.

    We use the standard limma modelling after a voom transformation for read count data.

     design = model.matrix( ~ 0 + Treatment, dgefilter$samples)
     colnames(design) <- sub("Treatment","T",colnames(design))
     contrasts_limma = makeContrasts(T25_weeks-T10_weeks, levels=design)
     dgevoom <- voom(dgefilter,design=design)
     fit <- lmFit(dgevoom,design=design)
     fit2 = contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts_limma)
     fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
     de.table = topTable(fit2, adjust="BH", sort.by="P", number=Inf)
     coords = str_match(rownames(de.table), "(.+?)_(\\d+)_(\\d+)")
     colnames(coords) <- c("id", "chr","start","end")
     de.table = cbind(coords, de.table)
     write.table (de.table, file=paste(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(contrasts_limma)), ".DE_toptable.txt",sep=""), col.names=T, row.names = F, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t" )


    1. How many Differential peaks are there? How many are DE and ‘enriched’ are more abudant in ‘T25_weeks’, how many are enriched in ‘T10_weeks’.
    2. Transfer the DE table to your computer and view it in excel. You can view mine here

Adding in Annotation using ChIPpeakAnno

We’ll use the EnsDb package for Mouse and ChIPpeakAnno. To annotate we merge teh peaks from our data (our peak.info object) with the annoation data and combine with our DE table to produce an annotated to gene DE table.

annoData <- toGRanges(EnsDb.Mmusculus.v79, feature="gene")

merged_overlaps <- GRanges(peak.info$Chr,IRanges(peak.info$Start, peak.info$End), mcols=data.frame(peakNames=rownames(peak.info)))

overlaps.anno <- annotatePeakInBatch(merged_overlaps,
                                     bindingRegion=c(-2000, 500))

overlaps.anno <- addGeneIDs(overlaps.anno,
                         IDs2Add = "entrez_id")
de.anno <- as.data.frame(mcols(overlaps.anno))[match(de.table$id, mcols(overlaps.anno)$peakNames),]
de.table = data.frame(de.table, de.anno)

write.table (de.table, file=paste(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(contrasts_limma)), ".anno.DE_toptable.txt",sep=""), row.names = F, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t" ) ```


  1. What does the annotation data look like?
  2. What other features can we add (we added Symbol).
  3. Copy the new table to your computer and view in excel. My copy is here