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      Single Cell RNA-Seq Analysis

Introduction and Lectures
Intro to the Workshop and Core
What is Bioinformatics/Genomics?
Experimental Design and Cost Estimation
Cheat Sheets
Software and Links
Data Reduction
Files and Filetypes
Project setup
Generating Expression Matrix
scRNAseq Analysis
Prepare scRNAseq Analysis
scRNAseq Analysis - PART1
scRNAseq Analysis - PART2
scRNAseq Analysis - PART3
scRNAseq Analysis - PART4
scRNAseq Analysis - PART5
scRNAseq Analysis - PART6
scRNAseq Analysis - PART7
Closing thoughts
Workshop Photos
Github page
Biocore website


All posted times are Pacific time zone. At least one break will be provided each morning and afternoon.

Monday, December 12

8:50 am Zoom session starts
9:00 am Introductions
10:00 am Intro 2 Command Line
11:30 am 10x Genomics Sponsor Talk
12:00 am Lunch
1:00 pm Using the Cluster
1:45 pm Project Setup
2:15 pm Creating an Expression Matrix
4:30 pm Zoom session ends

Tuesday, December 13

8:50 am Zoom session starts
9:00 am Single Cell library prep talk by Dr. Hong Qiu from the DNATech Core
10:00 am Intro 2 R
11:00 am Installing R Packages
11:30 am Parse BioSciences Sponsor Talk
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Data setup
1:30 pm Data Analysis Parts 1 - 2
4:30 pm Zoom session ends

Wednesday, December 14

8:50 am Zoom session starts
9:00 am Data Analysis Parts 3 - 4
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Data Analysis Parts 5 - 7
4:30 pm Zoom session ends