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      UC Davis Bioinformatics Prerequisites Workshop

Intro to the Workshop and Core
Getting Connected
What is Bioinformatics/Genomics Perspective?
CLI Intro
Unix & the Command Line
Unix & the Command Line - Challenge Solutions
Environment Variables
Installing Simple Bioinformatics Software
Clusters & Modules
Advanced CLI
Git Basics
Advanced Command Line Topics
Advanced Challenge Solutions
Using Screen to Manage Multiple Projects (optional)
Intro to R
Introduction to R
Intro to tidyverse and ggplot2 - Prepare
Intro to tidyverse and ggplot2
Linear models in R
Working with spreadsheets
A Simple Bioinformatics Workflow
Cheat Sheets
Software and Links
Closing thoughts
Workshop Photos
Biocore website


  1. What is screen?
  2. The network
  3. Screens already running
  4. ssh into machine running screens
  5. List screens {screen -list}
  6. Reattach screen {screen -r name}
  7. Switch between panes {C-a #}
  8. Rename pane {C-a A}
  9. Switch panes again
  10. Leave process running!
  11. Detach screen {C-a d}
  12. Reattach screen {screen -r name}
  13. Create pane {C-a c}
  14. Reattach, switch panes
  15. Kill pane {C-a k, then y}
  16. New screen {screen -S name}
  17. Exit server, screens still running!

1. What is ‘screen’?

Screen manages multiple sets of terminal windows (panes), allowing you to switch between them while keeping them all running. You can also run multiple screen sessions, each with their own set of panes, and switch between sessions while keeping them all running. It’s like having multiple desktops, but only for terminal windows.

2. The network

3. Screens already running

4. ssh into machine running screens

5. List screens {screen -list}

6. Reattach screen {screen -r name}

7. Switch between panes {C-a #}

8. Rename pane {C-a A}

9. Switch panes again

10. Leave process running!

11. Detach screen {C-a d}

12. Reattach screen {screen -r name}

13. Create pane {C-a c}

14. Reattach, switch panes

15. Kill pane {C-a k, then y}

16. New screen {screen -S name}

17. Exit server, screens still running!