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      UC Davis Bioinformatics Prerequisites Workshop

Intro to the Workshop and Core
Getting Connected
What is Bioinformatics/Genomics Perspective?
CLI Intro
Unix & the Command Line
Unix & the Command Line - Challenge Solutions
Environment Variables
Installing Simple Bioinformatics Software
Clusters & Modules
Advanced CLI
Git Basics
Advanced Command Line Topics
Advanced Challenge Solutions
Using Screen to Manage Multiple Projects (optional)
Intro to R
Introduction to R
Intro to tidyverse and ggplot2 - Prepare
Intro to tidyverse and ggplot2
Linear models in R
Working with spreadsheets
A Simple Bioinformatics Workflow
Cheat Sheets
Software and Links
Closing thoughts
Workshop Photos
Biocore website

Logging In & Transferring Files

You should already have an account on our systems

For Macs/Linux - Logging In

  1. Open a Terminal (usually under Applications/Utilities on a Mac), or install iterm2
  2. Cut and paste this into the terminal:

    ssh username@tadpole.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu

where ‘username’ is replaced with your username. Press Enter.

  1. Type in your password. No characters will display when you are typing. Press Enter.

For Macs/Linux - Transferring files

  1. Use scp (secure copy, a remote file copying program):

    scp username@tadpole.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu:full/path/to/file .

  2. Replace ‘username’ with your username and replace ‘full/path/to/file’ with the full path to the file you want to transfer. Note that there is a “.” at the end of the command, which is where to put the file, i.e. your current directory. You will have to type in your password.

For Windows - Logging In

Windows needs a terminal to connect with, you have a few options:

  1. Shell for Windows 10
  2. Enable SSH OR
  3. MobaXterm
  4. PuTTY

In putty, mobaxterm:

  1. Open up terminal.
  2. In the Host Name field, type tadpole.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu
  3. Make sure the Connection Type is SSH.
  4. Press “Open”. It will ask you for your username and password.

In Shell with SSH enabled:

ssh username@tadpole.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu

where ‘username’ is replaced with your username. Press Enter.

For Windows - Transferring files

  1. Open up WinSCP. If you haven’t installed it, get WinSCP here.
  2. In the Host Name field, type tadpole.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu
  3. Type in your username and password.
  4. Make sure the File Protocol is SFTP.
  5. Press “Login”.