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        Sept. 2019 Microbial Community Analysis Workshop

Introduction and Lectures
Intro to the Workshop and Core
What is Bioinformatics?
Experimental Design and Cost Estimation
Introduction to Command-Line and the Cluster
Logging in and Transferring Files
Intro to Command-Line
Advanced Command-Line (extra)
Running jobs on the Cluster and using modules
Intro to R and Rstudio
Getting Started
Intro to R
Prepare Data in R (extra)
Data in R (extra)
dbcAmplicons Installing Software
dbcAmplicons - Amplicons talk
dbcAmplicons - Bioinformatics talk
Dataset and Metadata
dbcAmplicons - Data processing
dbcAmplicons w/Dada2
Coming soon
Microbial Community Analysis in R
Prepare MCA Analysis
MCA Analysis in phyloseq
Cheat Sheets
Software and Links
Closing thoughts
Workshop Photos
Biocore website

Experiment Metadata

This document assumes dbcAmplicons installing software has been completed.

IF for some reason it didn’t finish, is corrupted or you missed the session, you can use my instance. Create or edit the file


edit the contents (use nano) to use my environment.

export PATH=/share/workshop/msettles/mca_example/bin:$PATH module load java/jdk1.8 export RDP_PATH=/share/workshop/msettles/mca_example/src/RDPTools module load anaconda2 . /software/anaconda2/4.5.12/lssc0-linux/etc/profile.d/conda.sh conda activate /share/workshop/msettles/mca_example/src/dbcA_virtualenv export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=/share/workshop/$USER/mca_example/src

Lets login and navigate to our directory

cd /share/workshop/$USER/mca_example/

1. Lets copy the workshop data into our workshop directory.

cp -r /share/biocore/workshops/2019_Sept_MCA/Illumina_Reads /share/workshop/$USER/mca_example/.

Take a look at the files … what is inside the Illumina_Reads folder?

Lets look at the first few reads of each file, below is an example line to view the first file.

zless Illumina_Reads/MCAWorkshopDataset_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz | head

Look at the head of the other files.

2. Lets copy the workshop metadata into our workshop directory.

Next lets make a metadata directory and transfer our barcode, primer and sample sheet to their

cd /share/workshop/$USER/mca_example
cp -r /share/biocore/workshops/2019_Sept_MCA/metadata /share/workshop/$USER/mca_example/.

Take a look at the files … what is inside the metadata folder?

View the metadata files in the folder

If all this is correct, we are ready to begin. If our environment isn’t already sourced, lets do so and then test.

source /share/workshop/$USER/mca_example/src/dbcA_profile