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      Bioinformatics: Command Line/R Prerequisites 2020

Intro to the Workshop and Core
Zoom help
Slack help
Software and Links
Cheat Sheets
Intro CLI
Logging in
Introduction to the Command Line part 1
Introduction to the Command Line part 2
The cluster and modules
Introduction to Python
Python Part1, Background
Python Part2, Data Types
Python Part2, Solutions
Python Part3, Flow Control
Python Part3, Solutions
Python Part4, Working with Files
Python Part4, Solutions
Advanced CLI
Advanced Command Line
Advanced Challenge Solutions
A Simple Bioinformatics Workflow
Software Installation
Using make and cmake
Using Conda
Getting set up with AWS
AWS Event Engine
Starting and Stopping your AWS Instance
Introduction to R
Introduction to R
Introduction to tidyverse
Organizing, manipulating, and visualizing data in the tidyverse
Advanced R
Linear models in R
Closing thoughts
Github page
Biocore website


All posted times are Pacific time zone. At least one break will be provided each morning and afternoon.

Monday, October 5

8:50 am Zoom session starts
9:00 am Welcome, format and expectations, introductions
9:30 am Logging in to the cluster hands on
10:00 am Introduction to the command line, part 1 hands on
11:00 am “What is Bioinformatics?” lecture
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Introduction to Python lecture and hands on
4:45 pm Wrap-up and homework
5:00 pm Zoom session ends

Tuesday, October 6

8:50 am Zoom session starts
9:00 am Introduction to Python, continued lecture and hands on
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Introduction to the command line, part 2 hands on
3:00 pm Clusters and modules hands on
4:45 pm Wrap-up and homework
5:00 pm Zoom session ends

Wednesday, October 7

8:50 am Zoom session starts
9:00 am Advanced CLI lecture and hands on
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Getting set up with AWS lecture and hands on
2:00 pm Advanced CLI lecture and hands on
5:00 pm Zoom session ends

Thursday, October 8

8:50 am Zoom session starts
9:00 pm Introduction to R lecture
9:30 am Getting started with R and Rstudio hands on
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Introduction to tidyverse in R lecture
1:30 pm Introduction to tidyverse in R hands on
3:30 pm Visualizations in tidyverse hands on
5:00 pm Zoom session ends

Friday, October 9

8:50 am Zoom session starts
9:00 am Recap of previous day’s topics
9:30 am Linear models in R lecture
10:00 am Linear models in R hands on
12:00 pm Lunch
4:00 pm Closing thoughts lecture
5:00 pm Zoom session ends